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Aishwarya Bakery Indian Restaurant


Our business is defined by the excellent quality of service provided to our customers since 1980. Our unique traditional recipe is our main unique selling point. Our philosophy is that there is no shortcut for surviving growing and maintaining the growth momentum of our business and the only way is to provide excellent food at affordable price to satisfy our customers. We understand homeland's traditional of fusion so we made it as our mission to combine the best of Kerala cuisine with western style bread and cakes developing new and innovative recipes. From 1980 onwards our tastes has been enjoyed by people in USA. As a business firm we are committed to providing quality food and service at affordable prices. We believe in providing a gastronomic experience, which nourishes not only body but also your soul.

Post information

City Houston Category Restaurant Type NON-VEG Location 6704 5th St, Stafford, TX 77477, United States
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