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Dj Arbab Khan


DJ Khanvict (Arbab Khan) is a seasoned entertainer with over a decade of experience spinning music most similar to the style of his idols DJ QBert and DJ Enferno. He specializes in Top 40, Hip-Hop and House, but can adapt to a broad variety of genres and styles. His interest in DJing emerged early on when he came across a video of DJ QBert on YouTube and was immediately inspired by his skill and talent. At the age of 16, he took on this daunting endeavor and quickly accustomed himself to beat-matching and mixing tracks quite naturally.

His love of music, and ability to quickly learn new skills provided him with a strong foundation to advance his DJ career. By the age of 18, after joining the United States Marine Corps, he continued to DJ private and club events for the duration of his 6 years with the Corps. His time at the Marine Corps allowed him to develop his sense of professionalism, discipline, and commitment to excellence.

As a DJ, he is lively and entertaining, always making sure the crowd is having a good time. As of late, he has appeared on numerous TV shows such as Jerseylicious, and DJ�d at various clubs such as Fire n Ice, Dark Horse, Mist, Deja Vu Lounge, as well as Aqua Lounge. Along with a slew of private events, he has immersed himself into the art he loves so much.

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City Houston Category DJs Location (732) 947-8783
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