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Narthana - School Of Bharathanatyam


Bharathanatyam, being the purest and oldest form of Indian Classical dance is a combination of music, expression and rhythm and has a history of more than two thousand years. By elevating the spirituality of the audience, it encompasses all the elements of dance and drama. Shortly, Bharathanatyam is poetry in motion. It is also is considered as the highest form of Yoga.
Guru: Janani Jayakumar
 Govt. Of Tamil Nadu certified performer and instructor
 Choreographer and instructor for over 7 years
 Professionally trained in Nattuvangam
 Won titles �Natya Chudaroli� and �Nrithya Niranjani� for excellence
 Given several performances under various banners in India and USA
 Performed in popular Indian television channels
Classes conducted for all ages and gender.
Level I � Beginner
Level II � Advanced
Level III � Professional

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