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Boston Bollywood Dance


These classes are happening now on Sundays from 7pm to 8pm! This beginner-level class is perfect for students who want a taste of the vibrant and captivating world of Bollywood. "Bollywood", a mega-popular dance style characteristic by Indian cinema, blends various forms of South Asian dance into a beautiful and mesmerizing art form. You'll shake your hips, tone your body, get a workout, and develop an unrivaled grace.

As a student in this class, you will learn a short and energetic routine each week. You will also learn basic hand movements and classic movements of various South Asian dance forms�all while burning some calories!! So what are you waiting for? Take advantage of this rare opportunity to learn a Bollywood piece start to finish. Classes also offered in Brookline and Somerville.

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City Boston Category Dance and Music Schools
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