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Natyamani School Of Dance


Natyamani School of Dance is the premiere institution for Bharathanatyam in Greater
Boston. Established in 1992, it has ever since been dedicated to propagating this
divine art form. The school is reputed for maintaining the rich traditions of
Bharathanatyam, and bringing out the best in students.

Sridevi Ajai Thirumalai, the artistic director of Natyamani School of Dance, is an
acclaimed Bharathanatyam dancer and enjoys teaching. Many students have finished
their Arangetram (debut) and continue to advance their skills under their guru.
Natyamani School of Dance currently enrolls students from beginner to advanced

The school has conducted over 30 solo dance debuts, national & international
programs, and has held dance productions helping out various charities in New
England and India.

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City Boston Category Dance and Music Schools
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