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Shwetha Gowri Nagaraj


I have completed Junior and Senior in Carnatic Instrumental music Veena and have been playing Veena since 20 years. I teach and give various concerts as well. I have performed my first show at the age of 8 and have given several concerts including Door Darshan National TV for 40 mins. I would pay individual attention to each of my students and would love to teach cultural Veena, which lord Saraswathi plays. For people who stay in different states, I can teach via Skype classes. Also for students who want a new Veena I can help you in buying the same. My Guru was Late Sri Vainik Vidhwaan Suryanarayan Sir.

This is a Indian Carnatic musical string instrument which lord Saraswathi holds in every picture. This instrument gives an exotic ambiance and peace to ears who listen and play it as well. Veena can be played alone as an instrument and also can be played together with other instrument.

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