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Deepti Designs - Madhubani Art In A Magical Form D


Deepti Mittal, a specialist in Madhubani Painting - folk art from the state of Bihar, brings to you the purest form of this art in the most modern way. She has been into learning, teaching and exhibiting this art since 1992.

After painting on the walls, floors, fabrics, canvases, Deepti introduced the Third Generation to this art by finding a place for it on exclusive and unique accessories and home decor articles. She, by far is the only artist of this form of Art who is widely using her brush to paint non-conventional articles such as Mirrors, Stools, Key-ring Hangers, Ear-rings, etc.

Please come and...

�Form a part of her class where she gives individual tasks and training to each of her student at the most economic and affordable fee.

�Place custom order with her for any personalized gift item, favors, special presents, etc.
For more details, Please write to us at or kindly visit

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