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Jai Sovani-Garud (Aurora)


North Indian Classical Vocal
Teacher: Mrs. Jai Sovani-Garud

Jai started learning music from the tender age of 8 and went on to graduate in Music. She has trained for her singing in gurukul pattern under one of India�s best classical singer of our times �Ganasaraswati Kishori Amonkar�.

Jai has been awarded many accolades and scholarships during her career in India.

Her path of learning is now enlightened by Smt. Arati Ankalikar- Tikekar with who she has accompanied on various performances across USA.

Her focus is on teaching North Indian classical vocal music. Along with that she teaches Bhajans/devotional songs as well as semi-classical songs.

All the classes can be customized to accommodate the pace of learning and managing the interest of the student.
Online classes are also available upon request.

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