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Grace And Grooves


Authentic Original Folk Dances of India such as
Gujarat(Garba, Raas, Tipani etc)
Rajasthan(Ghoomar/Ghumar, Chirmi, Kalbella), Maharashtra-(Laavani,Lezim,Koli etc), Punjab (Bhangra, Giddha, etc) Madhya-Pradesh-Uttar Pradesh(Bhojpuri Katha etc), Kerala(Chhau-all and other folks), Telangana, Karnataka, Himachal Pradesh, Kolkata, Sikkim, Andra Pradesh, Manipuri and many others.

Folk Dances of Nepal and Bangladesh are also taught as special programs.

Competitions and Performances all year round and annual recital shows as well.
Learn from the Original!
Think Dance-Think Grace..

Phone: 972 979 2559

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