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Automotive System Control Engineer: Training, Placements Assistance And In

Automotive System Control Engineer: Training, Placements assistance and In-House projects experience

Log-in, we will take care of the rest.

Our main goal is to give the Best service than other in market.
The course is Intended for Car Enthusiasts & who are seeking Job in Automotive industry. The course is developed for the engineers/technicians who thrust to support OEM manufacturers to meet Performance, Fuel consumption, Emissions, & other customer demands.
The Course will help you to learn about the Automotive control systems, basic architecture, terminology & the development process that is used to meet engine system requirements
The course provides participants with knowledge on the Automotive domains, Mechanical-Electrical-Electronics-Hydraulics Interactions in Automotive sub systems & the control strategies on a test bench and on a vehicle.
Course Requirements
� Engineers, Technicians, with background in Mechanical, electrical, electronics, or Industrial engineering who are interested in design & testing of Vehicle Powertrains.
�Trust us surely we will make your dream Happen�.

1. Protect your Visa status.
2. Provide quality training with well expertized Trainers.
3. All the Trainers are well experienced and presently on On-Project.
4. Give you a brief knowledge on what the market is in USA.
5. Guide you and provide marketing until you are ON-Project.
6. Provide you in-house project for Hands on Experience.
Please like us on FB:

Thanks & Regards
Tony | Manager.

Direct: 248-981-8816,
Office: 562-348-6827.
32770, Grand River Avenue,
Suite No. 206B,
Farmington MI,


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