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Permanent Make Up


When considering permanent make up, always make sure that the technician is certified and license by "TDLR" Texas Department of Law and Regulation, and not just anyone that called themselves an artist.

I have The Cosmetologist Operator License, the highest and required the most training in the beautician field.

Currently I'm also the Regional Make Up Artist for Lancome. 12 years in the field of beauty and color trend I know exactly what your looking for.

Getting permanent brows is fast, safe and perfect.

I'm using the best and most expensive quality ink and topical anesthetic so the color is perfect and painless.

Please let me know when it's best so I can take care of you.

Attached are some pictures for you to see.

Call me if you have any questions.

I also do lash extension. Individual lashes.

I can also travel to you.

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